Fri Oct 06 2023

Udemy Course - Modern React with Redux [ In progress ]

1. What’s React all about ?

⇒ Goal: show HTML to the user and change HTML when user do smth

<h1>Hello world</> => Tag with lower case, React get that is plain HTML tag <Earth /> => Tag with capitalize, React get that is a Component

Function component: create a function & return JSX

⇒ JSX:


extension to JavaScript to write HTML into javascript

Component Nested

<App> <Earth /> </App>
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⇒ Like a variable to store data that changes over time

Generate project

npx create-react-app my-app
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Folder Explanation

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Required 5 files and folders to start simplest React app

import React from 'react'; //=> Library that defines what a component is //and how multiple components work together import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'; //=> Library that knows how to get a component to show //up in the browser // Library 'react-native' to render on mobile app

Create index.js

//1. Import requirement libraries import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'; //2. Get HTML element with ID to render const root_element = document.getElementById('root'); //3. Control that element const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(root_element); //4. Create a component function App() { return ( <div>Hello world</div> ); } //5. Render that component into selected HTML element root.render(<App />);

⇒ Yes

//To show title with HTML: <h1>Hello world</h1> //With react: //React.createElement("h1", null, "Hello world") import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client"; const root_element = document.getElementById("root"); const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(root_element); //JSX syntax /* function App() { return <div>Hi there</div>; } */ const react_element = React.createElement("h1", null, "Hi there"); root.render(react_element);

So complicate to code without JSX syntax

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Printing JavaScript Variables in JSX: Done

⇒ Error

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Shorthand JS Expression: Done

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Customizing Elements with Props

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Converting HTML to JSX

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<input spellCheck /> ~ <input spellCheck={true} />

Extracting Components: Done

Module systems

If you want to share variables between separate files => import/export system Key word: Module Systems
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Props System

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Argument Destructing

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Include images

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Import any files which is not js file -> Need to add extension
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A Big Pile of HTML: Done

When use className from css library => Required put that className into layout of css library ( layout: container, column ) * Some issue without css library layout: imgage is gigantic * Requirement: install css library & import into project 1. npm i xxx 2. import into App.js directly or css file

Event System

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Most common events

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Execute instantly in render, then could not click any more

State System

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Array Destructuring - Js

const numberArray = [1, 2, 3, 4]; // const firstArray = numberArray[0]; // const secondArray = numberArray[1]; //Array destructuring const [firstArray, secondArray] = numberArray; console.log(firstArray, secondArray); // 1 2
Update state with spread